Saturday, January 20, 2018

Still sick

I can't remember the last time I felt this bad for this long. If I thought there was anything a doctor could do, I would go, but I think this is just a prolonged cold. Today Nora is with her cousins, so I am trying to take it easy, but there is still stuff to do, like laundry. The 'rents will be back late tonight and will pick Nora up tomorrow. Then I rest.

Meanwhile, I am spending money left and right. I decided to go ahead and get a second spinning wheel, oh, and while I was at it, a lazy kate and, hmmm, how about that used drum carder? That was just the "inside" stuff - I also ordered plants and seeds for the garden. If my plans fail, I am turning the yard back into lawn.

I finished Silence of the Grave, started the latest Bosch novel from Michael Connelly, Two Kinds of Truth.

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