Sunday, September 17, 2023

Clay fail!

I belong to a FB group called Clay Fail! It's a refreshing departure from the other pottery groups I follow where only the prettiest stuff is shown. (My least favorite phrase is, This is my first piece, which invariably accompanies something gorgeous.) The rule at Clay Fail! is no advice asked, none given. There is plenty of advice on the other pages.

Of course, I have a few failures of my own. One is this watering aid prototype. I was trying to enlarge the holes in the greenware, using a power drill. One prototype didn't survive.

I made this vase in a class and placed it in a safe location where Beau, the Feline Destroyer of All Things Nice, wasn't likely to knock it over. Unfortunately, it was not safe from my elbow.

I've been working on making slab mugs (sans handles), following this video. The clay was too wet to handle on the first attempt, so I left it to dry... too long. It cracked when I tried shaping the mug. The second attempt went better. The third, I thought I was making the bottom larger than the mug, but magically it turned out smaller. I still tried to make it work. We'll see how they turn out.

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