And soon I may be online at home even more, as I am contemplating upgrading from DSL to FIOS. The two-year-guaranteed price for the DSL is drawing to a close, and I figure if I am going to pay more anyway, I might as well get more. I kept putting it off, though, and now I am reaping the benefits of my procrastination. Yesterday I received in the mail an offer that will basically give me FIOS for the same price as I have been paying for DSL, with a two-year-guarantee on the rate. Whoo-hoo! Sign me up!
In work related news, I still hate my new responsibilities, but I am catching on and hence don't feel so overwhelmed. Also, I have become a bit of a folk hero. We are moving to a new building this summer, and the new podlike furniture is being test-driven right next to my cubicle. Last week, the first test team was replaced by a second test team, which included an individual who bathes in perfume each day. I tend to be sensitive to scents to begin, and this particular one not only gave me a headache, but made me feel physically ill. I posted a message on our company's version of FB/MyS about how, given that we will be working in closer quarters and without intervening cubicle walls, we all need to be cognizant of the scents we wear, be they perfume, cologne, or scented lotions. Not only did I receive positive responses online (one of which was from the boss of said offender - yay!), I have been verbally thanked in the halls by people who I don't even know. All of this goes against my philosophy of keeping a low profile, but the Perfume Queen has not been in the pod since and I feel so much better, it is worth it.
Books: I finished Horse Boy
(As an aside, I recently commented to some friends that I thought, were I to pursue it, I might be diagnosed as falling somewhere on the Asperger spectrum, citing my social difficulties. None present said, "Oh, no! Not you!" Which is telling, I think.)
Other books: Finished listening to U Is for Undertow
I just started After the Ice
Movies: Watched "The Door in the Floor
Also watched "Canvas
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