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I work mostly with people whose first language is not English. Firstly, I am impressed at how well they not only speak English, but how well they understand the language. Still, certain words seem to be mispronounced by all of them. One that readily comes to mind is "synonyms" - my colleagues put the stress on the second syllable - syNONyms.
And then there are the words that don't seem like words: "updation", "prepone", "parallelly". Initially, I considered these creative alternatives, but discovered that they are in Internet dictionaries. In my own defense, they are not in my battered 1968 edition of Webster's New World DIctionary. It is truly a new world out there.
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I've had my NookColor for a while now, carry it with me everywhere I go, but find I don't use it very often, except to play Solitaire. In fact, I have not been reading much lately at all. I blame Netflix streaming for that - I am currently marching through "Law & Order: SVU". But I did finish Birds in Fall
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Apropos of nothing, isn't she cute?!?